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Hello, world!

·364 words·2 mins

Hey there, dear readers!

I’m thrilled to welcome you to my brand-new blog, a digital canvas where thoughts, ideas, and experiences will be woven together.

As I embark on this exciting journey, allow me to take a moment to share with you the essence of why I’ve decided to plunge into the world of blogging.

The Birth of a Blog #

In a world bustling with information, opinions, and stories, I find myself yearning for a space to call my own — a platform where I can express my thoughts, reflect on life’s adventures, and perhaps even make a positive impact on others.

This blog represents a slice of my life, a sanctuary where ideas can flourish, and connections can be nurtured.

A Haven of Discipline #

One might wonder, “Why start a blog now?” The answer lies in the concept of discipline — a value I hold dear and intend to uphold steadfastly throughout this blogging journey.

Life, as we know, can get rather hectic, and commitments tend to sway like leaves in the wind. That’s where discipline comes in.

By committing to regular posts, I’m not only challenging myself creatively but also cultivating a habit of consistency that will trickle into other aspects of my life.

Giving Back to the Community #

As an engineer that’s been working over 10 years with computer programming, I have been consuming blog posts from people that put aside some time to register drops of knowledge.

Those posts really helped me grasp concepts, debug things and solve problems that I probably wouldn’t if they didn’t exist.

I feel that until today I wasn’t able to give back to the community, and this is another reason I want to start this blog. Hopefully I can help someone, someday.

Improving my Writing #

I think my writing skills are far from great. By having this commitment of posting often, I’ll need to force myself to write more, and therefore I hope to get better at it.

Also, I might as well end up improving my English and translation skills, as I intend to maintain this a bilingual blog (English/Portuguese).

I hope to see you again. Until next time!